Water Soluble Glue
- Craft Glue
- Cement
- Water Soluble Glue
- Ready Mixed Cement
- Epoxy Adhesive / Grout
- Gummed Paper
- Sealant
- Ready Mixed Grouts
- Epoxy Resin
 Water soluble glue is ideally used neat for gluing mosaic tesserae
directly onto wooden surfaces for indoor use.
If you want to water soluble glue outside you have to remember that it is
'water-soluble', and if you place your mosaic in a damp or wet position you risk
the mosaic tesserae separating from the base!
To create a light glue to paste over brown paper when using the indirect
method, dilute water-soluble white glue with a 1 part glue to 5 parts water.
Water Soluble Glue Suppliers
This mosaic tile adhesive
is water-based, making it suitable for most surfaces. For wooden surfaces it may also be
worth applying a thin coat of primer first to prevent the wood from warping.