Tiles & Tesserae
- Ceramic Tile
- Glass Tile
- Marble Tile
- Smalti
- Other Materials
- Pebbles & Rocks
- Sea Shells
- Mirror
- Buttons & Beads
- Broken China
- Cork
- Paper
- Wax & Candles
 Cork is very light and easy to use. It is an ideal medium to make squares.
Cork can be sold in rolls, panels or sheets, however if you are feeling creative you
can recycle it from wine bottles or notepad boards. Be wary with old wine bottle
corks though as they may smell or have an unusual color that may change over
time if you don't let them dry out properly.
I would recommend using cork that is around 1cm or 10mm thick (about 2/5ths of an
inch). This is an easy size to work with and will not be too thick to cut
through or manipulate.
Cork Suppliers
DickBlick Art Materials supplies a range of different sized
cork sheets and rolls that are useful for
many types of craft projects including mosaics.